Pawise Tug-O-Play (Ball)

BND 7.00


The selection of the toy should be done carefully, take into account that it is designed especially for dogs with non-toxic materials, that help them develop their instincts and as all dogs like to bite, the toy has to be made to nibble it and that in turn clean your teeth, preventing the formation of tartar. Toys give your pet all the benefits for your health and well-being, prevent your dog from suffering from anxiety, it is good that you like to nibble your toys, so do not bite the furniture at home and do not get overwhelmed, remember that dogs are restless and have a lot of energy. Your hairy friend needs exercise every day or games that help to release the energy that naturally has, prevent obesity and stress, thirty minutes a day is enough, you have to take care of your water and walks, so your dog will have a healthy life. Physical activity with toys helps your dog prevent future illnesses as he grows older, avoids the risk of respiratory diseases, keeps his bones and heart healthy, speeds up his metabolism and will be happy.